Shri Prasad Bhat is The Hindu Temple's Head Priest who joined the temple in March 2003. Shri Prasad Bhat is a very well trained in Vedic philosophy from Maharshi Veda Vigjana Vidya Peeth,Theerthahalli, in Karnataka State. Pandit ji belongs to a family of priests and is very well qualified to perform all the Poojas, Havans, Wedding and any other rituals in North and South India Traditions. Pandit ji started his Vedic education at the early age of 12,from Mahalinga Upadhyaya and he joined Maharshi University for his advanced Studies. He is well qualified in Sanskrit also. He has been associated with several temples Back in India. Pandit ji was honored with prestigious titles like ''Veda Murthi'' and ''Samhita Paathi'. Pandit ji has a reverberating, rich, deep voice which creates a divine atmosphere during his Pooja and chanting.
Fluent in : English, Kannada, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Tulu
Working Knowledge : Malayalam, Gujarati and Sanskrit
Other qualifications : Teaching Vedas, Singing Bhajans